Paulina  is looking for a Room in Groningen

Paulina is looking for: A Room in Groningen

  • Room
  • Min. 15 m2
  • 22 Immediately

I’m Paulina, 20 years old from Oldenburg (Germany). I am planing on moving to Groningen for a bachelor’s degree and therefore looking for a room in a shared apartment :)
I am a rather introverted person and enjoy spending time by my self, listening to a podcast or music or reading a book. Nevertheless, I really enjoy spending quality time with my friends and family, going to a cafe or nice bar, just chatting and having a good time.
Furthermore, I enjoy being active and cooking.
I already have experience living in a shared apartment as I spend one year in Italy, where I shared a flat with three other girls.

General information: Paulina
  , 21 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  1st study year European language and culture (University)